The Lighthouse Keeper

2 min readOct 18, 2021

There once was an old lighthouse

That stood at the rocks on the beach

Its paint chipping, as if gnawed by a mouse

With its bright glow so far out of reach

Atop stood a maiden with eyes like the sea

Her long, black hair flowing in the breeze

Standing there with her spirit so free

Every day she kissed the sky, every moment she seized

Yet she was chained by a promise made

To a soldier on the far side of the Earth

She promised to wait and there she stayed

He promised to show up outside a hearse

So everyday she waited, shining the light

For him to know that she stayed in place

Till her skin darkened from the sun so bright

And the salt slowly crinkled her face

Till one day a ship sailed in, damaged and battle-worn

On a gloomy evening with an even sadder mast

With men walking out completely battered and torn

To wives and children, looking at scars, aghast

When a lone man walked out, a gleam in his eye

His mouldy peg-leg just barely standing

What’s left of his right arm, now covered in blood, dry

Yet his steely determination remains commanding

As the first drops fell, he made his way

To the basalt on which the lighthouse stood

The torch soon lit up the unending gray

He climbed up as fast as his peg-leg could

Atop stood his maiden, as fair she once was

A sight his sore eyes eagerly yearned

She fell into his arms, without second’s pause

An embrace he had truly earned

Soon, thunder roared and lightning slashed

The rain now battering, in rhythm intoned

The waves rejoicing violently crashed

All while the lighthouse continued to groan

With the celebration at a high, below and above

The lovers still holding each other as before

The lighthouse breathed its last, under the weight of their love

Into the ocean’s jaws they fell, together forevermore

~Samhruth A(21BCE1791)




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